Marriage Spats and Fist Pumps

MARRIAGE SPATS and FIST PUMPS12898417_10156727070090711_2609235112542732226_o

Jana and I had a marital spat this morning. 
Making some hard decisions.

You know, normal marital stuff.  Normal human being stuff.
We argued for a while.
Accused each other.

Didn’t own our own stuff.
Acted like we were 12.
Or 9.
Or 7.

Normal Human Stuff. 

by God’s Grace…
we mellowed a bit.
Not easily.

We are both strong-willed, prideful people.

But we did

By God’s Grace.

And then we started communicating without accusing.
(Or trying too.)

And we had a few false starts. And got mad again.

And then we tried to be grown-up’s.By God’s Grace.

And we started listening a little more to each other.
(And sometimes we didn’t, once again.)

Then we we slowly started to get on a role of positive momentum.
And we started agreeing on some solutions and priorities.

Then we smiled a little bit.
And hearts softened.
A little bit.

Then we found some new insight and a little humor.

Still tender.
Still tentative.

But we fist-pumped. (I liked that part.)

And congratulated each other on pretending to be grown-up’s.

By God’s Grace.

Then we shared a brief kiss. (I loved that part.)

And said, “I’m sorry.”
And “I love you.”11822762_10155927879630711_1625316169436860615_n

We should have also said, “I forgive you.”
But we skipped that step.
We will have to go back and get that in.
Cuz it’s important.
And often missed.For all of us human beings.

And that’s a problem.1935284_263793340710_8250788_n

And then we said, “Yay, us!”
And “Thank-you, God.”

So once again…
I arrive at this conclusion:

Marriage can be hard.
(Or any relationship involving two or more humans.)

And we can all act like morons far too easily.

But it is worth it to hang in there.

It is so worth it.

And in the end?
Marriage is Awesome.

By the Grace of God.

And it is hard. (There’s that human thing again.)

And then it is awesome, again.
By the Grace of God.

#working on that
#both of us

But we know that we are…12694594_10156560427275711_809274364131732757_o
and #forgiven
and therefore, #freetolove.

And because these things are true…

Marriage is awesome. (Most of the time.)And God is good. (ALL of the time.)

And we are grateful.

So very grateful.Thank-you, Lord.



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